mardi 05 décembre 2023


Present and future of Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers

Conférence donnée par le Pr Kaj Blennow, Professeur en Neurochimie Clinique à l’Université de Göteborg (Suède) et Lauréat du Grand Prix Européen de la Recherche 2013.
Pr Kaj Blennow

Cette conférence a réuni 107 spectateurs en direct.

The development of fluid biomarkers holds promise for enabling more effective drug development and establishing a more personalized medicine approach for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) diagnosis and treatment. Blood-based biomarkers exhibit high diagnostic accuracy in distinguishing AD from all other neurodegenerative diseases in patients with cognitive impairment and are soon to become the new gold standard in clinical practice.

Longitudinal measurements of such biomarkers will also improve the detection of relevant disease-modifying effects of new drugs or lifestyle interventions.

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